5 Basic On-Page SEO Techniques for Webmasters

Basic On-Page SEO Techniques
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5 Basic On-Page SEO Techniques for Webmasters

Every new and upcoming website owner wants to succeed in driving quality traffic to their website and blog. If you are focused and serious in your approach then you might be successful.
However according to my early experience as a webmaster merely hard work & focus is not enough, you have to act smartly. Here we shall discuss 5 Basic On-Page SEO Techniques for you to improve your rankings and drive traffic to your site. So let’s find out one by one.

So to be successful online you definitely need a blog section on your site, SEO or search engine optimization plays an important role. You will hear about SEO as soon as you start generating content for your website. SEO is a vast subject and it is quite natural that a Webmaster does not know about it comprehensively.

We are not going to get deep into the world of SEO and get too technical about things. However, we will keep it simple and find out about the Basic On-Page SEO Techniques and why it’s important for you.

SEO can be divided into two parts. One is On-Page and another is Off-Page. On-Page means the front end and off-page is about external resources like building links for your site.

Keyword Research Basic On-Page SEO Techniques

Remember all the techniques that I am going to tell you are very easy to implement and you do not need any expertise. I am going to assume that you are a budding up website owner without any programming background.

The very first one is keyword research. Every website is based on a certain topic. Keywords are a list of those words that belong to a particular niche. Example for a piano teacher the main keywords would be Learn Piano, Piano Lessons for Beginners etc. You must perform a thorough research on which keywords to include in your content.

You would want to know how many people are typing that keyword in search engine, level of competition etc. You should try to jot down all those keywords in a list which are highly searched and also have less competition. Try to include those keywords in your content.

A free and best tool to do so is Google Keyword Planner and if you would like to go for something more advanced then try the Ahrefs Keyword Planner.

Keyword Density

The second on-page technique is also regarding keywords. Your content must contain the right amount of keywords in every blog post. If you are stuffing blogs with unnecessary keywords then Google will never rank you as this falls into a black hat SEO technique known as Keyword Stuffing.

Keywords are of two types, one is primary and other is secondary. You must have one primary keyword for every 100 words, which means for 500 words article you will have only 5 primary keywords.

Due to inexperience, it is a common practice that a website owner will stuff his blog with too many desired ranking keywords. As a result, Google search engine crawl bots will declare your content as SPAM. So be careful with keyword density.

I love using Yoast SEO plugin on the WordPress sites as it tells me the percentage of my Keyword Density for every article I write and guides me towards ensuring it’s neither low or high and meets Google standards.

Page Title

Page Title is nothing but the title of every blog post or a web page. Your page title must not be duplicated or copied from others. Page Title is the first thing that any search engine will look for. Usually, page titles will tell entire topic of the blog post.

I suggest to include your primary keyword in the page title. However, you should not force it. Always try to create unique page titles. It is an absolute must for any successful SEO.

If you have hit a writer’s block then I recommend using an awesome website service known as BuzzSumo.

Just visit the site and type in your desired keyword and it will give you the recent topics around the subject published by other people on the web, along with that it also shows you the number of social shares every post received.

Once you have the social signal strength and an idea of the popular topics being discussed on the web just use your creative mind and create a perfect Title for your article.

Another strong but among basic On-Page SEO techniques, internal linking is the strongest. When you are writing for a blog you have to create many posts and they are interlinked with each other through anchor texts. Usually, anchor texts are used to link different pages or posts that are written on the same topic with similar primary keywords.

You need to properly manage your internal links as it must not grow like a weed. A blog may contain many posts and you have to properly connect them with each other through proper keywords. Search engines do crawl to your internal links, so it must be maintained properly every week or month.

I would also recommend creating a Silo Structure for your website as this process really boosts your ranking.

Some benefits of Silo Structure would be maximized returns, get better ranking and improved click-through-rate.

Let’s look into website stricture a little deeper,

Primary Keyword As Blog Title

The very first part of building an SEO structure is getting a keyword rich domain and use the primary keyword as your blog title. There is nothing much to it, just your primary keyword along with a description that has the keyword in it.

Use Top Level Keyword as Categories

The second most important part of an SEO structure is to set your secondary keywords set as categories. These are often two or three letter words that are most searched for.

The purpose behind this is to provide link juice via your blog posts. All your posts get linked to your categories and they are in turn connected to your homepage.

This process boosts your ranking and your primary keyword receives all the focus. Keep your categories to a maximum of 8 or so. If you need more categories try building subcategories.

Your Long Tail Keywords Are Post Titles

This is the third part of your Websites SEO structure, here you focus on your long tail keywords. Write blog posts that are directly related to your primary keywords, but contain your long tail keywords.

Write and publish as many blog posts as you can, try and keep your posts relevant and interlink them within specific categories to get maximum search engine ranking results.

When we talk about the basic On-Page SEO techniques long tail keyword posts are definitely important and my recommendation would be to create as many as you can around your niche.

Site Structure

Site structure can also be called as site architecture. Your site architecture must represent the niche or the market you are targeting. Design your site according to that only. Many sites fail to rank only because their content is not designed according to a particular niche.

Maintaining site structure would be the most difficult job as a new blogger because you might not know many things. However, to overcome this I suggest you focus on creating good content. Even if your site architecture is not good enough you can make up with quality content.

Content must be liked and enjoyed by the readers and encourage them to share your content as well as link to it.

The conclusion to On-Page SEO Techniques

In conclusion, I would only say as a new web owner you have to fulfill your basic SEO responsibilities. For you, I have identified these basic On-Page SEO Techniques that you should learn and implement as soon as possible.

Let’s summarize the 5 techniques that I discussed. First one is keyword research, second is keyword density, third is page title, fourth is internal links and the final one is site structure. All five pointers are the initial pillars of On-Page SEO.

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Posted on March 31, 2018 in Search Engine Optimization

Meet The Author

Jobin John
Jobin is a digital marketing professional with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He has a passion for driving business growth in the online realm. With an extensive background spanning SEO, web design, PPC campaigns, and social media marketing, Jobin masterfully crafts strategies that resonate with target audiences and achieve measurable outcomes.
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